Release date: 28 Aug 2014

New Features

SPLEX-97 - Enhanced Self-Monitoring for Distributed Setups

Two new service checks are now automatically created which provide information about

  • timestamp of the last recent delivery
  • count of delivered events and traffic in bytes/s

SPLEX-394 - Location Identifier in Web and Admin Interface

The location identifier is now shown in the header bar of the web and user interface. This helps you identify the SONARPLEX you are working on 

SPLEX-335 - Extend Support Files for Troubleshooting

The support files are now more detailed and help troubleshooting.

Resolved Bugs

SMS Delivery

  • [SPLEX-89] - Sending test SMS gives an error "Something was wrong with your input in the red marked field(s) below"
  • [SPLEX-417] - SMS for contactgroup only working for first contact in list
  • [SPLEX-395] - azeti 1900 without SMS options in contacts
  • [SPLEX-435] - SMS Daemon runs even without connected USB Modem
  • [SPLEX-440] - Sending SMS with azeti 4300 not possible "TTYS1: Modem is not ready to answer commands (Timeouts: 0)"

Distributed Monitoring

  • [SPLEX-175] - Multiple "All defined hosts" in distributed monitoring NOC setup
  • [SPLEX-426] - "invalid input" when defining multiple Trap Destination(s) in Distributed Monitoring
  • [SPLEX-353] - Degree character is displayed as �C instead of °C in Distributed Monitoring setups


  • [SPLEX-163] - Traceroute in SONARMANAGER's Troubleshoot some times leads to a SOCKET ERROR

User and Admin Web Interface

  • [SPLEX-237] - "Authorized for" setting in Accounts disappears after upgrade to 5.1.1a/b
  • [SPLEX-386] - Wrong entry order in Logging Configuration > Default log level
  • [SPLEX-389] - /mnt/hd/daaz/var/reports not included in backup with addon_data
  • [SPLEX-418] - Plugins are not labelled as "in use by" in My Plugins
  • [SPLEX-420] - Dependencies in plugin package descriptor don't work
  • [SPLEX-434] - Trap Filter OID Validation fails for '#'


  • [SPLEX-402] - E-Mail Templates %HOSTNOTES% or %HOSTNOTESURL% not working
  • [SPLEX-439] - Mail notifications containing '#' character are not displayed properly

Service Checks

  • [SPLEX-424] - [ERROR] Invalid or missing encryption prefix in - Remote Checks time-out after upgrade to 5.1.1b
  • [SPLEX-37] - Range Threshold Support for check_azeti_filesize / general range support for service checks

High Availability

  • [SPLEX-430] - HA Check throws "(Return code of 255 is out of bounds)" after setup

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