Camera support has been dropped as EoL with Site Controller version 3.0


It is possible to add a Camera to the system. Here we will have a small overview as how the device configuration should be done in the SiteController.

Sensor Config

Here is an example of the sensor section of the configuration. In this example we show how to check for motion.

<sensor sensor_id="Axis_Motion_Detection">
	<description>The motion detection of the camera</description>
                    <expression>value == '1'</expression>					# If anything changes with the camera feed, then the value will change to 1 and thus motion will be detected.
                    <true volatile="true" severity="200">Motion</true>		# Severity changes to 200 and gives us the state "Motion".
                    <false severity="0">No Motion</false>
            <sensor_gateway sensor_gateway_id="gw_Axis_Camera">

Device Configuration

Here is an example of the device configuration of the camera being used in the example above.

<device device_id="Axis_Camera">
		<sensor_gateway sensor_gateway_id="gw_Axis_Camera">

Motion detection rule

For the motion detection to work properly, we require an additional Automation Rule.

<rule rule_id="Axis_Motion_Control">
                <trigger sensor_id="Axis_Motion_Detection" trigger_topic="events" value_name="motion_detected" value_type="string"/>
                <timer delay="5" timer_id="T1"/>
                <condition expr="motion_detected == 'Motion'">
                            <result result_value="0" sensor_id="Axis_Motion_Detection" timer="T1" value_type="decimal"/>
                            <state state_name="motion_detected" state_value="0"/>

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