SiteController Installation on a Dell Edge 5000

This page describes how to install the Site Controller on a Dell Edge Gateway 5000 running Ubuntu Snappy.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Install mosquitto from the App store (Internet access is required)

    sudo snappy install mosquitto
  2. Transfer the Site Controller snap file to the gateway using an SCP client like WinSCP

  3. Go into the directory of the uploaded snap and install the new package snap

    sudo snappy install --allow-unauthenticated  sitecontroller_<version>_amd64.snap
  4. Edit the configuration file and configure the External Broker Access, located in the directory /var/lib/apps/sitecontroller.sideload/current/config
  5. Start mosquitto

    mosquitto is not started automatically and thus has to be started before hand activating Site Controller.

    sudo snappy activate mosquitto
  6. Restart the site controller to apply the new configuration

    sudo snappy deactivate sitecontroller; sudo snappy activate sitecontroller

Serial ports on Dell 5000:

Label on casedevice nameEIA mode
Port 2/dev/ttyS4EIA485
Port 3/dev/ttyS5EIA485
Port 4/dev/ttyS2EIA485

Note: when cabling Modbus, pay attention to the A and B order and not to the polarities. They seem to be inverted in the connector painting.


Network configuration

Use the nmtui tool, it is not available for the root user and /etc/network/interfaces will be empty if you use this tool for configuration.

(plano)ubuntu@localhost:~$ nmtui


Snap Status

The default init scripts do not work in the snap context, you have to use the snap command line to check if a snap was started properly.

(plano)ubuntu@localhost:~$ snappy service status
Snap            Service        State
bluez            bluez        enabled; loaded; active (running)
demo-grafana        grafana        enabled; loaded; active (running)
docker            docker-daemon    enabled; loaded; active (running)
mosquitto        mosquitto    enabled; loaded; active (running)
network-manager        networkmanager    enabled; loaded; active (running)
network-manager        dnsmasq        enabled; loaded; active (running)
network-manager        modemmanager    enabled; loaded; active (running)
openvpn-snappy        openvpn        enabled; loaded; failed (failed)
plano-uefi-fw-tools    fwupd        enabled; loaded; active (running)
sitecontroller        sitecontroller    enabled; loaded; active (running)
webdm            snappyd        enabled; loaded; active (running)

Snap status logging

The output during activation and deactivation of snaps go into /var/log/syslog

(plano)ubuntu@localhost:~$ sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog
May 19 13:21:05 localhost ubuntu-core-launcher[6240]: started with PID 6271
May 19 13:21:05 localhost ubuntu-core-launcher[6240]: started with PID 6280
May 19 13:21:05 localhost ubuntu-core-launcher[6240]: started with PID 6288
May 19 13:21:05 localhost ubuntu-core-launcher[6240]: as subthread of (6258) already running.
May 19 13:21:05 localhost ubuntu-core-launcher[6240]: started with PID 6293
May 19 13:21:05 localhost ubuntu-core-launcher[6240]: Sending revision check results to cloud ...

List Snaps

root@localhost:/home/ubuntu# snappy list

Name                Date       Version            Developer
ubuntu-core         2016-02-04 7                  ubuntu
bluez               2015-11-16 5.34-2             canonical
demo-grafana        2016-01-28 2.6.0-2            woodrow
docker              2016-01-28          canonical
mosquitto           2016-02-16 kartben
network-manager     2016-01-27 0.5                canonical
openvpn-snappy      2016-01-27 ILKGVWfdbcMa       sideload
plano-uefi-fw-tools 2015-11-16 0.8                canonical
sitecontroller      2016-02-19 INCWJeaVOfXI       sideload
webdm               2016-01-27 0.11               canonical
plano-amd64         2016-02-04 1.19               canonical

Remove Site Controller snap

root@localhost:/home/ubuntu# snappy remove sitecontroller
Removing sitecontroller
Waiting for sitecontroller_sitecontroller_INCWJeaVOfXI.service to stop.

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