Ubuntu Core (16.04) Docker Setup

On this page:


This document will describe the Initial setup of Site Controller on an Ubuntu Core 16 distribution, using docker containers. This applies to any platform running Ubuntu Core 16, including, but not limited to, the Dell Edge Gateway 5000

This guide should not be taken as the final version, as it only refers to the current SC Docker installation, which is in a prototype state.


  • You will need to know the IP of the system and to have access via ssh.
  • The device must have internet connection for this instructions to work.
  • Docker must be installed. If not install it with this command: sudo snap install docker.
  • This instructions were tested with the following versions:

    /snap/bin/docker.compose version
    docker-compose version 1.7.1, build unknown
    docker-py version: 1.10.6
    CPython version: 2.7.12
    OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.2g  1 Mar 2016
    /snap/bin/docker version
     Version:      1.11.2
     API version:  1.23
     Go version:   go1.6.2
     Git commit:   v1.11.2-snap-38fd0d3
     Built:        Tue Nov 15 13:34:11 2016
     OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
     Version:      1.11.2
     API version:  1.23
     Go version:   go1.6.2
     Git commit:   v1.11.2-snap-38fd0d3
     Built:        Tue Nov 15 13:34:11 2016
     OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
    snap list
    Name             Version        Rev  Developer   Notes
    bluez            5.37-2         15   canonical   -
    core             16.04.1        888  canonical   -
    docker           1.11.2-9       56   docker-inc  -
    modem-manager    1.4.0-1        14   canonical   -
    network-manager  1.2.2-10       73   canonical   -
    snapweb          0.21.2         24   canonical   -
    stlouis          16.04-1.13     11   canonical   -
    stlouis-kernel   4.4.0-57-1     7    canonical   -
    tpm2             1.0-2.1        12   canonical   -
    uefi-fw-tools    1.2-0.7.2+git  2    canonical   -

Required installation files

  • The docker compose file (docker-compose.yml
  • The Site Controller configuration file (SiteController.cfg) This file has to have all the relevant configuration information.
  • The login credentials to the private docker.io hub from azeti

SiteController is available through official purchase of a license or directly through azeti for development tests / integration tests. Upload the required files to the ubuntu server and proceed from there.

Configure the time zone

Timezone configuration

Before you begin the installation, make sure that you have the system with the right time configuration and a timezone configured in your system. Please read the file /etc/timezone to check that it is including your location. This file should contain a pair (Example: Europe/Berlin), that corresponds to the names that you can find in /usr/share/zoneinfo.

Core software installation

All the following commands must be done as root. You can add "sudo" to the beginning of all the commands or use "sudo su" in order to be root and continue with the instructions.

Once the system is installed, you will need to do a basic configuration of the system in order to connect to the cloud server. You should have received all the credentials beforehand, contact your provider in case you miss some information.

  1. Create a directory for the Sitecontroller under the docker snap (/root/snap/docker/common) and cfg subdirectory under it

    mkdir /root/snap/docker/common/SiteController
    mkdir /root/snap/docker/common/SiteController/cfg
  2. Copy the docker-compose.yml to the main directory and the SiteController.cfg to the cfg directory

    cp docker-compose.yml /root/snap/docker/common/SiteController/
    cp SiteController.cfg /root/snap/docker/common/SiteController/cfg/
  3. If not already configured, introduce the login credential to the azeti private repository on docker hub

    /snap/bin/docker login
  4. Change to the main directory and execute the docker compose command. The images will be downloaded and the service started automatically.

    cd /root/snap/docker/common/SiteController/
    /snap/bin/docker.compose up -d --build

To start the site controller on a device where it was already installed, use the command from the yml directory and as root:

sudo su
cd /root/snap/docker/common/SiteController/
/snap/bin/docker.compose up -d 

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