Network and 3G configuration on Dell Edge 5000 with Ubuntu Core 16.04

The Dell Edge 5000 runs a version of Ubuntu Linux called Ubuntu Core. The latest version is the 16.04. This article shows how to configure the network on that device

Tool used

Ubuntu core does not have a graphical UI, nor it has the Text UI of the Network Manager, so the only way to configure the network is to use the Network Manager CLI too. In the case of core that tool is used with the command "network-manager.cli"

Setting a static IP

To set up an static IP follow this steps

  1. Create the connection with the appropriate interface, IP and gateway

    admin@localhost:~$ network-manager.nmcli con add con-name static-ip ifname eth0 type ethernet ip4 gw4
    Connection 'static-ip' (f8a2329a-0580-4f43-ad14-e029531cafa7) successfully added.
  2. Add the DNS servers

    admin@localhost:~$ network-manager.nmcli con mod static-ip ipv4.dns ""
  3. Start the connection

    admin@localhost:~$ network-manager.nmcli con up static-ip
    Connection successfully activated (D-Bus active path: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/4)

Creating a 3G Connection

To create a mobile connection, execute this commands with the proper information

  1. Create a new connection

    admin@localhost:~$ network-manager.nmcli con add type gsm ifname ttyACM3 con-name TELEKOM_GSMDEMO apn internet.t-mobile user t-mobile password tm
    Connection 'TELEKOM_GSMDEMO' (d472ed41-113a-4a37-972c-6517e335f3cf) successfully added.
  2. Activate the connection

    admin@localhost:~$ network-manager.nmcli con up TELEKOM_GSMDEMO
    Connection successfully activated (D-Bus active path: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/6)


  • To check the assigned IP used "ifconfig"
  • To list the created connections use "network-manager.nmcli con"

    admin@localhost:~$ network-manager.nmcli con
    NAME                UUID                                  TYPE            DEVICE
    TELEKOM_GSMDEMO     d472ed41-113a-4a37-972c-6517e335f3cf  gsm             ttyACM3
    docker0             a8c307bb-e111-4302-b5f5-9a6785a84c1a  bridge          docker0
    static-ip           f8a2329a-0580-4f43-ad14-e029531cafa7  802-3-ethernet  eth0
    Wired connection 1  4f62b384-cf8d-3db1-ad64-a36ad0d1e2bb  802-3-ethernet  --
    Wired connection 2  1ab8fe46-581e-355c-8be8-1481216be42f  802-3-ethernet  --
    ethernet-eth0       74e23d08-77d7-4cdd-a24f-935aa2cec328  802-3-ethernet  --
    ethernet-eth0-1     a95320ee-ffe1-4161-87a5-0788ef3a52a1  802-3-ethernet  --
  • To check the configuration of each connection use the command "network-manager.nmcli con show connection-name"

For further information look at the following pages:

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