This article shows how to configure the network on the Nexcom NISE50 running Ubuntu 16.04. 

Setting a static IP

To set up an static IP follow this steps

  1. Edit the /etc/network/interfaces file

    azeti@Nexcom-Master:~$ sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces

  2. Set the IP, gateway and DNS for each interface (enp2s0 for Ethernet 1 and enp3s0 for Ethernet 2)

    allow-hotplug enp3s0
    iface enp3s0 inet static

  3. Start the connection

    root@Nexcom-Master:~#sudo ifdown enp3s0 ;sudo ifup enp3s0

Creating a 3G Connection

To create a mobile connection, execute this commands with the proper information

The exact command to create a new connection depends on the 3G card model used and the sim card provider. Different cards will use different interfaces (ifname) and different sim providers will use different apn, user an password.

To check the port to be used execute the command 'sudo mmcli -m 0' and check the System / Primary Port

root@Nexcom-Master:~# mmcli -m 0

/org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/0 (device id '09bb10c02c0912032e41d6402c4178eac5ee9594')
  Hardware |   manufacturer: 'QUALCOMM INCORPORATED'
           |          model: '0'
           |       revision: 'UC20GQBR03A07E1G  1  [2014/05/05 9:00:00]'
           |      supported: 'gsm-umts'
           |        current: 'gsm-umts'
           |   equipment id: '861075021729728'
  System   |         device: '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.0/usb1/1-1/1-1.2'
           |        drivers: 'qmi_wwan, option1'
           |         plugin: 'Generic'
           |   primary port: 'cdc-wdm0'
           |          ports: 'wwp0s29u1u2i4 (net), ttyUSB0 (qcdm), ttyUSB2 (at), ttyUSB3 (at), cdc-wdm0 (qmi)'

  1. Create a new connection

    1. Sierra Wireless MC8090

      root@Nexcom-Master:~# nmcli con add type gsm ifname ttyUSB3 con-name TELEKOM_GSMDEMO apn internet.t-mobile user t-mobile password tm
      Connection 'TELEKOM_GSMDEMO' (e2321f56-3d77-46c0-8e52-a7dcda87b0d8) successfully added.

    2. Quectel UC20GB

      root@Nexcom-Master:~# nmcli con add type gsm ifname cdc-wdm0 con-name TELEKOM_QUACTEL apn internet.t-mobile user t-mobile password tm
      Connection 'TELEKOM_QUACTEL' (2f98d139-2442-4f51-b554-b13da3216a3c) successfully added.

      Quectel UC20GB

  2. Activate the connection

    admin@localhost:~$ nmcli con up TELEKOM_GSMDEMO
    Connection successfully activated (D-Bus active path: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/6)


For openvpn setup follow the procedure explained here:

OpenVPN Client on Ubuntu 16.04


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