Install new machine files to change the licensed amount of allowed hosts to configure in Sonarplex or to change SysID. Requires Sonarmanager.


Add an extention to Sonarmanager to allow Custom Uploads.

  1. Close Sonarmanager if opened
  2. Download SMEmersonExtension.dll
  3. Move file to

  4. Start Sonarmanager


This adds the new option "Custom Uploads" in the context menu of any appliance.

Install Machine File

  1. Open Sonarmanager
  2. Right click on the appropriate appliance
  3. Select "Custom Uploads"
  4. Select "Add SysIdFile"
  5. Search for your machine file
  6. Hit "Upload" in the lower right corner
  7. Reboot appliance


Expected results

  1. Open a browser
  2. Connect to appliance AdminGUI

  3. Select Status::Summary
  4. Check if the first line reads your new SysID

    Your appliances machine id is 1m005056000948, which is a production version.
  5. Select System::License
  6. Check if the first line reflects the amount of host licenses:

    License:	Maximum number of defined hosts: 200

Remove Machine File

  1. Open Sonarmanager
  2. Right click on the appropriate appliance
  3. Select "Custom Uploads"
  4. Find the line reading the machine file

    1m005056000948.tar [-]
  5. Click on [  -  ] to remove machine file

  6. Reboot appliance