
This section will describe all the elements that can be managed and changed for the same organization. Only the Organization Administrator can do this. These include;

  • Sites information management
  • Site structure (tree) management
  • User management
  • API activation

Sites Management

For the Sites management go to Organization → Sites. Here it will be shown a list of all the Sites of the organization. A Site is defined by a gateway with a SiteController running.

The list shows the following information of each site:

Editing a site basic information

The basic information of a site can be change by clicking on the edit button of the Sites page (Organization → Sites). This will show all the information and will allow the administrator to change it. The page has several tabs:

To make any change permanent always press Save before leaving the page.

Deleting a site

To delete a site do the following:

  1. Go to Organization → Sites.
  2. Click Edit on the Site to be deleted.
  3. Uncheck the Enabled check box.
  4. A Delete button will appear. Click it.
  5. Confirm that the site can be deleted.

If only the Enabled checkbox is unchecked, the site will still be on the system, but it will not be shown nor it will be processing more incoming data. To show it on the Sites page, just uncheck the Enabled button on the list.

User Management

The User Management page allows the Administrator to create, delete and edit all users of the system. It can be reached in Organization → Users

The page shows all the user, along with their basic information. The E Mail is what is used as username. 

Users Roles

Users can have different roles. These are:

Only an Administrator can change the role of a user, but it can be done at any moment.


Users can have enabled two different services:

Creating and editing a user

To create a new user click the +Add button. To edit a user, click the Edit button. In both cases the user edition page is shown. Each user has different options in different tabs:

After making any changes the Save button has to be pressed to make them permanent.

Time Period Configuration

Time periods define a weekly schedule during which certain action is valid. They are used for sending notifications or to enable access codes. Those are only valid during the defined timeperiods. To manage them go to Organization → Time Periods. This page shows all the existing one, allowing the Administrator to create more or edit them.

To add a new one click +Add. To Edit click Edit and to delete first click the drop down right of edit the then Delete

Once editing the time period, enter the name and select all the intervals needed.

And interval can last up to a day, but there can be as many intervals in a day as needed. Just select the day of the week, enter the time, and click Add. The interval will be added to the list at the bottom of the window. To delete an interval just click on the cross to the right of it.

Once all the changes are made click Save to make them permanent.

Site Tree Configuration

The Sites tree structure shows all the Sites in a predefined structure. This has to be defined by the administrator.  The can be as many Site trees as wanted. The user can choose which to use by selecting it:

To open the tree click the tree button left of the search box;

To create, delete and manage the Site Structure, go to Organization → Site Hierarchy

Creating a New Site Tree

  1. A new tree can be added clicking the +Add button. A tree will be created will the date as name.
  2. Click on the name (in blue) to edit it and change it.
  3. Once changed click Save.

Editing the Site Tree

The Site Tree has a hierarchical structure of up to 5 levels: Country, Region 1, Region 2, City and Site. It needs to have at least two levels: The Site and an upper lever.

To add the upper levels, click +Add Structure Element. It will show all the options:

A new level can also be created using the + button on an existing element. The new one will be placed under it if it is of a lower level. The new element can be then edited. The name will be empty, but can be changed just by clicking on it. 

For each element the following can be done:

Once the upper levels are in place, the Sites can be placed in under the right element. To do that just drag and drop the Site to the correct place. Drag by the symbol at the left end of the Site.

Remember to click the Save button before leaving the page to make all changes permanent.

External API

In this page is the external API to connect to third party software is enabled. Just select the parts of the API that need to be enabled. They will be activated immediately and the options saved. 

For more details on the External API go to External API

General Settings

Organization → Settings shows the general settings of the organization.

It includes:

Creating New Operations Items

To create new items on the operations menu a json with the desired item has to be pasted on the Generator Test section of the Organization Settings. This items allow the user to perform and action on all the sites (or they sites of his choosing) at the same time and from the same screen. This is as example of a json:

	"name": "Switch Sites to Generator",
	"startAction": {
		"actionId": "Switch_Power",
		"commandStart": "GENERATOR",
		"commandCancel": "GRID"
	"resultSensors": [
	"readyStates": {
		"sensorId": "Switch_Power",
		"states": [
	"name": "Switch Sites to Grid",
	"startAction": {
		"actionId": "Switch_Power",
		"commandStart": "GRID",
		"commandCancel": "GENERATOR"
	"resultSensors": [
	"readyStates": {
		"sensorId": "Switch_Power",
		"states": [

This json defines two items. Each one has the following fields: