
Following shows the easy installation of the openvpn client with a auto-login certificate.


You require a client.ovpn file which should be given to you before hand by the OpenVPN Administrator.

Install and Setup

  1. Install the openvpn client

    sudo apt-get install openvpn

  2. Copy the client.ovpn to /etc/openvpn and rename if to client.conf

  3. Enable the auto start of the service within systemd

    user@user-desktop:~$ sudo systemctl enable openvpn@client.service
    Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /lib/systemd/system/openvpn@.service.

  4. You can now start the client

    user@user-desktop:~$ sudo service openvpn@client start

Verify Connection

Disable Autostart

Sometimes you want to disable autostart, because VPN will be switched on through an action.

Edit the openvpn default config file.

user@ubuntu:~$ sudo gedit /etc/default/openvpn

And uncomment the line: