[General] # Allowed characters for the serial are upper and lower case ASCII [a-zA-Z], # digits [0-9], dashes - and underlines _ only! serial = IR829_container listenOn = mqtt_version = MQTTv311 timezone = Etc/UTC # DO NOT CHANGE base_defaults_id MANUALLY! base_defaults_id = 1d02e36 # server_sysconfig_revision is for server feedback purposes - has no impact on SC operation server_sysconfig_revision= outbox_check_interval_seconds = 30 outbox_persist_interval_seconds = 60 outbox_confirm_published_timeout_seconds = 60 dbPath = /opt/azeti/SiteController/persistent [InternalBroker] host = sub_topics = events/#, hd/#, config_backup/#, sys_msg/#, imgdata/# [ExternalBroker] host = cloud-dev.azeti.net reconnect_delay = 1 reconnect_delay_max = 300 reconnect_exponential_backoff = True organizationShortName = azeti sub_topics = %organizationShortName%/cloud/%SYSID%/#, cloud/%SYSID%/# port = 1883 user_id = broker@azeti.net password = setupyourself tls_enable = False mqtt_version = MQTTv311 external_broker_connected_sensor_id = cloud_connected external_broker_severity_connected = 0 external_broker_severity_offline_last_will = 100 external_broker_severity_offline = 100 [HD2CloudExporter] destination_topic = hd/%SYSID% # example publish interval definition: "05:20:25" -> HH:MM:SS publish_first_publish_delay = 00:00:05 publish_interval = 00:05:00 publish_zipped = True data_subscription_topic = calibrated_result/# supress_identical_results_in_publish_interval = True [persistord] defaultPersistType = circular defaultPersistParameter = 300 persistFrequency = 1 inMemory = True dbPath = /opt/azeti/SiteController/persistent [trapd] external_interface = trap_port = 162 [ConfigProvider] config_filename = sensor_config.xml save_config_updates_to_disk = True backup_config_count = 3 backup_config_filename_suffix = _%Y%m%d_%H%M%S # module_specific_log_level = INFO # SC-373: obsolete: backup_xml_toprettyxml = True [JobProcessor] mqtt_inbound_sub_topic = cloud/%SYSID%/jobs/# status_pub_topic = sys_msg/%SYSID% job_folder = jobs job_cfgFileName = job_config.xml [remote_exec_calls] # provide key=value pairs to define remote commands that could be executed on # this system via a job called from the cloud # (cloud sends the key, SC takes the command from the value provided by the # key and executes the command) # e.g. to open a vpn connection on cloud request, you could install a openvpn # configuration in path_to/client.ovpn, prepare a set of all required # certificates, use a line like the following one in here and start a simple # job from the cloud providing the parameter "openvpn": # openvpn = openvpn --config path_to/client.ovpn --daemon --log /tmp/openvpn.log [CalibResultsEvaluator] create_event_on_any_error_level = True error_level_default_state = ERROR [serial_line_daemon] serial_interfaces = [SiteController.conf] start_cloud_modules = Yes start_automation_controller = Yes start_virtual_sensors = Yes start_modbus = Yes start_udp_adam = No start_snmp = No start_gpio = No start_http_modules = Yes start_local_storage = No start_simulator = No sc_host_type = unknown log_destination = /run/azeti/SiteController/log tmp_destination = /run/azeti/SiteController/tmp persist_destination = /run/azeti/SiteController/persistent config_folder = /opt/azeti/SiteController/config mosquitto_folder = / mosquitto_cfg_folder = /etc/mosquitto [ModbusMaster] mqtt_publishing_host = mqtt_publishing_client_id = mqtt_publishing_ver = mqtt_listening_host = mqtt_listening_client_id = ModbusMaster-listen mqtt_listening_ver = MQTTv311 mqtt_publisher_is_equal_to_listener = True serial_interfaces =/dev/ttyS1 max_error_count = 5 logger = azeti_file max_retry_sleep = 10.0 [Watchdog] mqtt_publishing_host = mqtt_publishing_client_id = mqtt_listening_host = mqtt_listening_client_id = Watchdog-listen logger = azeti_file [SrcUpdater] backup_location = /tmp/SiteController/backups logger = azeti_file